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Let Your Music Go Viral on TikTok

Ready to reach millions of fans worldwide? Get your music on TikTok, reach more listeners, UGC and keep 100% of your earnings without spending a penny.


How to Distribute Your Music on TikTok?

Uploading your music to TikTok is pretty simple as 1-2-3. Follow these 4 quick steps and start making money.

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Signup for a free ANS Music account. Upload your music, art work, and track info to get your songs on TikTok.

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Get a free music review of your assets from our team. Once approved, your music is ready to go on Tiktok.

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ANS Music will release your music on TikTok and all streaming platforms worldwide.

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Get Paid

Start earning when your music goes live. Own 100% of the rights and earn royalties whenever your music is streamed or generate UGC.

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Why distribute your songs on TikTok?

TikTok is a leading social media platform where people unleash their creativity. When you upload your music on TikTok, you are getting heard by millions of fans worldwide and get paid whenever someone downloads or uses your music in a video.

When you use ANS Music to get your music on TikTok, you gain access to:

  • 1 billion+ active users globally
  • Over 80,000 tracks available
  • Over 40 languages available
  • NO Yearly or Monthly Fee

Plus, you get a free Pre-Save SmartLink to share with an audience every time you release new music.
