A Step-by-Step Guide to Releasing Your Music with ANS Music Limited(Old dashboard)

A Step-by-Step Guide to Releasing Your Music with ANS Music Limited(Old dashboard)

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry, independent artists and labels are constantly seeking efficient and user-friendly platforms to release their music. ANS Music Limited provides a seamless solution through its user-friendly dashboard, allowing musicians to distribute their music to a global audience with ease. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to release your music using ANS Music’s intuitive platform.

Step 1: Accessing ANS Music Limited’s Dashboard The journey begins by visiting the ANS Music Limited website. Once there, locate the “Partner Login” option or use the direct link to ANS Music’s Dashboard portal. Logging in will take you to your personalized space where you can manage your releases and track their performance.

Step 2: Creating Your Release Once logged in, navigate to the “Create Releases” option on ANS Music’s dashboard. This will open a releasing form where you’ll need to provide essential information and metadata for your music.

  • Fill in details such as Title, Genre, P line, C line, and UPS (if applicable). UPC is optional if the release is new.
  • Move to the “Tracks” tab, select the Release type, and input song titles. Upload your audio file by clicking “Choose File” and selecting the file from your computer.
  • Choose the audio language and select the Artist. Create a new artist if the name isn’t already listed. Add label information and provide details about the songwriter, lyrics, and author. Composer, Music Direction, and Tune are also required.
  • Optionally, fill in details like music arrangement and producer name in the designated fields.

Step 3: Territories and Release Date Move to the “Territories” tab and select the countries you want to distribute your music to. For worldwide distribution, use the “Toggle All” option.

Choose a release date and proceed to the “Submission” tab. Ensure you tick the boxes for ISRC terms & conditions, YouTube content guidelines, and agree to ANS Music Limited’s Content Delivery Guidelines for Audio Stores.

For additional assistance, consider watching the video tutorial available on the ANS Music dashboard.

Conclusion: Releasing your music through ANS Music Limited’s dashboard is a straightforward process that empowers independent artists to share their creations globally. By following these simple steps, you can navigate the platform with confidence, reaching a broader audience and maximizing the impact of your musical endeavors.

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